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Barking Dog


More than 4 million dog bite incidents occur in the United States, with hundreds of thousands of these bites needing medical attention. In Michigan, the law provides for strict liability in dog bite cases. This means that the dog's owner is liable for the damage unless the victim deliberately provoked the dog. Regardless of where the attack occurs, we seek compensation from the animal owner's homeowner's insurance policy.


If you or a family member has been injured in an animal attack in Michigan, the Law Offices of Todd J. Stearn, P.C., can provide experienced personal injury representation. We understand that a dog bite can be a traumatic experience, especially if the victim is a child. Our Michigan injury lawyers will work diligently to recover the compensation you deserve.


Dog bite victims and their families often need considerable compensation to pay their medical expenses, including cosmetic procedures and rehabilitative therapy. Victims may also need psychotherapy if they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Damages are available for lost wages and pain and suffering as well.


Dog and other animal bites can cause dangerous and disfiguring injuries such as:

  • Facial scarring

  • Eye injuries and blindness

  • Broken or crushed bones

  • Amputations

  • Head and skull injuries

  • Muscle and tissue injuries


Animal bites can also cause wounds that are at risk of developing infections from the bacteria in the animal's mouth. This may lead to further injury, illness, or disability.


Don't suffer alone. If you are a victim, we can get you the compensation you deserve. For a free consultation with an attorney serving contact us today.


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